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Author: Jen Fisher

Humanity in the workplace

Meaningful relationships at work are one of the greatest drivers of workplace engagement and satisfaction. As the saying goes, “People don't leave companies. They leave managers”. How can we create...

Smashing the mental health stigma

To smash the mental health stigma, we first need to understand it. It’s time to move beyond mental health awareness and increase mental health literacy in the workplace. When leaders...

Jen’s 10 lessons

On this special year-end WorkWell episode, Jen reflects on conversations she’s had with past guests. She shares 10 lessons she’s learned from the show that have helped her with some...

Making self-care inclusive

When life gets challenging, focusing on our mental health becomes even more vital. Self-care is one tool that can help us protect our mental and emotional well-being, but it isn’t...

How to rest as hard as you work

We often think that busyness and productivity go hand-in-hand, but the truth is, that taking time off is one of the most overlooked tools we have to stimulate creativity, innovation,...

Finding meaning in meaning

Happiness is something we are all striving for, and why shouldn’t we be? It’s the ultimate positive emotion! But what if our pursuit of happiness is misguided? Is there something...

Resilience in times of crisis

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, we were told to shelter in place. While most of us were isolating in our homes with our families, frontline and essential workers continued to...

Let’s talk postpartum depression

The birth of a baby is a joyful event, but for many women, that joy can become overshadowed by postpartum depression. According to the American Psychological Association, up to 1...