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The Great Mistake Leaders Make About Empathy And Accountability

The business case for empathy is clear. A 2021 Businessolver study found that 84% of CEOs and 70% of employees believe empathy drives better business outcomes. A 2016 DDI study of 15,000 leaders found that “Leaders who master listening and responding with empathy will perform more than 40% higher in overall performance, coaching, engaging others, planning and organizing, and decision making.”

Yet, the common knowledge about empathy hasn’t translated into common practice.  68% of CEOs say they fear they will be less respected if they show empathy in the workplace. Five in ten HR professionals and seven in ten CEOs say it’s hard to consistently demonstrate empathy in their working life. 

Why is this leadership/empathy gap so hard to close? An offhand phrase from Tim, a recent leadership coachee, offers a clue:

As much as I want to care about my people, we’re running a business here. I’m accountable to deliver results.

You may be wrestling with your own version of Tim’s belief. If so, you’re struggling with a false leadership dichotomy—a lie that tells you that you can either hold people accountable or empathize with them.  

Victoria Russell, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer at Beam Suntory, explains, “Many leaders easily understand that leadership and accountability go hand in hand. What often eludes some is the ability to apply both accountability and empathy.”

Jen Fisher, Deloitte’s Chief Well-Being Officer and author of Work Better Together: How to Cultivate Strong Relationships to Maximize Well-Being and Boost Bottom Lines, says, “Performance and empathy are not mutually exclusive. Empathy can help you be a better leader, drive business results, and position you and your team for the future of work. Human skills like empathy make us better at collaborating and strengthen our human connections in the workplace, which are both critical to performance.”

In fact, prioritizing empathy bolsters your ability to create a culture of accountability. Christie Smith, Senior Managing Director, Talent & Organization/Human Potential Global Lead at Accenture, says, “The first step to building a foundation for accountability is by developing a strong relationship with your team. This should be based on a shared understanding of principles such as trust, transparency, collaboration, and discipline. Concurrently, it’s important to set out your business goals, and define the role that each team member will play in reaching them. By communicating your expectations in this way, you create a baseline against which to measure accountability.”

Russell adds, “Throughout my career, I’ve found that when I can rally people around an idea, it’s much easier to gain alignment and momentum forward. The key in doing that is through influence, relationship building, and demonstrating empathy.  I also believe that you can’t have empathy for what you don’t have proximity to. This means having a deeper understanding of people, what is going on in their lives, their families, their passions, struggles and more.”

Laurie Barnett, Managing Director of Communications & Outreach at Southwest Airlines embraces the old saying, “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” Barnett continued, “When you put people first, lean in, listen, and demonstrate that you care, they feel valued and motivated to give their best and deliver against a shared vision or goal. When you have clear expectations and strong connections between leaders and a team, we find that team members are inspired. Accountability and strong performance are a by-product.”


Three Daily Empathy Practices


Once you’ve established a foundation for accountability, Fisher describes three practical tips on how to use empathy in your leadership role every day:

1.  Show vulnerability and be authentic

Share your personal challenges with your team and encourage them to do the same. This not only creates a psychologically safe environment where everyone feels safe speaking up about their needs, but it also empowers the team to work through obstacles together and support each other.

2. Encourage and promote self-care

When your team is focusing on their self-care, they can bring their best selves to work every day. And when everyone is at their best, the team will be more innovative, collaborative, and engaged.

3. Ask questions and listen

Check-in with your people to find out how they’re really doing, ask specific questions, and listen without judgement. When you create an environment that allows for emotion in the workplace, people will feel comfortable and safe sharing with you, and you’ll be better positioned to support them and the team.

Russell sums it up nicely. “At the end of the day, we’re all human beings and should be treated as such. The dual pandemics we’ve experienced, COVID-19 & Social Justice, has been a stressful time for everyone. As people navigate through new personal and professional challenges, it’s even more important to be an empathetic leader. Together, accountability and empathy can add to the value proposition for team members. They are happy, engaged, feel appreciated, and in turn put in the discretionary effort that helps deliver results.”


This article was originally published on Fast Company

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